I. Translate the following words and expressions: (10%)
(i) From English into Chinese:
1. usance credit
2. certificate of origin
3. intermediate products
4. compensation trade
5. securities
(ii) From Chinese into English:
II. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right: (5%)
( )11. preference a. a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports or
exports of a commodity
( )12. mandate b. a practical advantage given to one over others
( )13. quota c. social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a
contracting party
( )14. affiliate d. authority given to perform a duty
( )15. force majeure e. a business concern owned or controlled in whole or in part by
another concern
III. Make brief explanations of the following terms and give the full name of the abbreviation in English: (20%)
16. gross domestic product (GDP)
17. direct exchange rate
18. bill of exchange
19. insurable interest
20. ICC
IV. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list (You can only choose 10 from the following 12 words in the square): (10%)
lack |
result |
medium |
therefore |
by |
in |
barter |
money |
equal |
with |
but |
exchange |
V. Translate the following into English: (25%)
31. 就出口商的利益而言,即期付款交单比远期付款交单有利.
32. 高收入国家和地区是高档消费品的主要市场,在吸引外资和对外投资方面都处于有利地位.
33. 绝对利益理论认为,一种商品将在其耗费资源成本低的国家进行生产.
34. 固定汇率制降低了国际贸易中的风险,并是抑制通货膨胀的重要手段.
35. APEC 建立于在澳大利亚首都召开的一次部长级会议,当时有12个成员国出席.
VI. Translate the following into Chinese: (15%)
36. Today few, if any, countries are economically self瞫ufficient. Even China, with its vast human and natural resources, has not been able to remain aloof from the world economy. In the United States, international business touches people’s lives daily. Common goods and services such as Shell gasoline stations, often identified with the United States, are, in fact, foreign owned.
International business is business conducted in more than one country, including buying and selling goods and services. Other international business activities include marketing, manufacturing, mining, and farming. In sum, international business is all the practices a business in a single country does, but at the international level.
VII. Answer the following questions in English: (15%)
37. Who introduced the theory of comparative advantage? Which theory makes more sense, absolute advantage or comparative advantage? Give a typical example to illustrate the comparative advantage of a particular country.
38. Why is controlling costs a first major motivation for firms to undertake FDI?
本文标签:山东自考 公共课 全国2009年4月高等教育自考国际商务英语试题