全国2008年4月高等教育自考 国际商务英语试题
I. Translate the following words and expressions:(10%)
(i) From English into Chinese:
1. intellectual property
2. economic globalization
3. trade credit account
4. common carrier
5. grace period
(ii) From Chinese into English:
6. 关税壁垒
7. 起运港
8. (汇率)间接标价
9. 资本市场
10. 反倾销
II. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right:(5%)
( )11. infrastructure a. to restrict one’s economic activities to certain particular fields
( )12. drawback b. a person who carries on insurance as a business
( )13. underwriter c. Large-scale public services, such as water and power supplies, road, rail and radio communications, etc. needed to support economic activities, esp. industry, trade and commerce ( )14. specialization d. to keep fixed or unchanged
( )15. peg e. duties paid on imported goods that are refunded when re-exported
III. Make brief explanations of the following terms and give the full name of the abbreviation in English:(20%)
16. free trade area
17. joint venture
18. opening bank
19. indemnity
20. BOT
IV. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list (You can only choose 10 from the following 12 words in the square):(10%)
motives which carried penetration over costs
long-term conclusion contrast securities by too
Foreign investment is of two kinds, portfolio investment and direct investment. Portfolio investment is a kind of investment in (21) the investor does not exercise any managerial control. The investor either holds foreign bonds or other non-equity (22) which do not confer ownership rights or the investor holds stock shares (or other equities) in a foreign company in an amount (23) small to exercise any managerial control. In (24) , foreign direct investment is a (25) equity investment in a foreign company that gives the investor managerial control (26) that company.Foreign direct investments are mainly (27) out by multinational corporations. Surveys and cases studies indicate that their common (28) for making foreign direct investments are based on strategic considerations involving market (29) , technological know-how, reducing (30) of distribution
本文标签:山东自考 公共课 全国2008年4月高等教育自考国际商务英语试题